The main purpose of the study was to investigate the perception of youth corps members on Community Development services (CDSs) in Edo South Senatorial District, Nigeria. The statement of the problem to the research was why most CDSs face challenges when it comes to performance. The purpose of the study was to explore the factors influencing the performance of CDSs: the case of Community projects in Edo South Senatorial District. The objectives were; to determine how the planning process of management influences performance of community development services, to establish how governing policies influence the performance of Community Development services in Edo South Senatorial District, to examine how availability of resources influence the performance of Community Development services in Edo South Senatorial District and to determine how community participation influences the performance of Community Development services in Edo South Senatorial District. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population for this study were the 7 NYSC projects. The study worked with a representative sample of 105 respondents which included; 7 Community NYSC coordinators, 56 Community field officers, 37 Community direct beneficiaries and 5 NYSC officials from the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Services. The study relied on data collected through questionnaires and an interview guide. The tabulation, coding and processing of the responses gathered was done by use of computer software Statistical package for Social Science (SPSS). The study was able to establish that there exists a positive association between the planning process of management and performance of community development services. It was clear from the findings that planning influences achievement of objectives and that planning at all levels with involvement of all relevant stakeholders impacts on performance. The study also found out that governing policies and performance of community development services do have a positive association. The findings showed that involvement of key development practitioners and the community in policy making and implementation and constant policy updates is central to performance. The study established a positive relationship between the availability of resources and performance of community development services. It was clear from the findings that access and frequency of funding does influence performance and that the qualification and relevance of human resource does impact on performance. The study also established a positive relationship between community participation and the performance of community development services. It was clear from the findings that community involvement right from project initiation influences project performance and that empowerment and development of transition mechanisms of the management teams at the community level impacts on performance and sustainability. The study recommended a number of undertakings; that NYSC management and staff follow up on community participation right from the planning process; that the beneficiaries be committed to protect initiatives meant for their development; that the government ensures good representation of relevant stakeholders and the community in the entire process of policy making and implementation.
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